Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Power of Compounding

Have you ever wondered why our mother kept nagging us to save money while we were young?  She might not be able to tell you in a scientific manner, but it's all about the power of compounding.

Let's compare the savings of 2 investors, Investor A and Investor B.  Investor A saves $20,000 each year from 28 years old to 65 years old (i.e. 38 years in total).  Investor B save $20,000 each year from 19 years old to 27 years old (i.e. 9 years in total).  Let's further assume that both of them are able to invest their money at 8% returns every year.  The following table shows the amount of money that Investor A and Investor B will get at the end of their 65 years old:      

Investor B starts saving earlier, but only for a period less than 1/4 of Investor A's.  However, Investor B will end up saving more money for his retirement at 65 years old.

Would you reconsider to start saving earlier?

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